I think there in something intrinsically wrong with this single focused identification of the commander in chief only – when there are many, many talented people who are called to lead. Instead of elevating Hillary and struggling to hold down others, I have been using this current unfolding as an opportunity to really examine the process. How ridiculous that we choose a single winner and discard the others as if they are losers. It is not something we would tolerate in a first grade classroom or choosing the dodge ball team.
In my heart, I am voting for the team of Clinton/Obama. I believe that after 8 years as VP – Obama would be positively the potential realized that will transform the world. But the thing I am most certain of today is that to have a Black person and a female person BOTH brought to office is the one integral, informed and wise choice. I cannot think of either / or ~ not if I actually value diversity.
I was listening to Dolores Huerta on the radio today – and she said that Clinton represents Latinos better. That is fucked up – a Latino represents Latinos better! I read a letter from Toni Morrison endorsing Obama. I am not going to choose. I will not be making any appointment with King Solomon. I want a Cabinet that includes John Edward's heart as Secretary of Labor and Dennis Kucinich's soul as the founding Secretary of Peace. I want that Cabinet to represent the colors, religions, genders of the electorate.
This process is flawed when we are asked to admire one and disparage the other when all are spectacular people who collectively represent the best of us. I like all of the Democrats that stood on that stage for the debates last Fall. I like all the Kennedys. It is not ok to eviscerate one, elevate the other and then, after the primary is over, to say, "Oh never mind." If we are going to talk about inclusion, talk about opposing divisiveness, endorse diversity ~ lets start today.
Thanks for that, Zoe. It's refreshing to hear words of love and inclusion when talking about the election.
Posted by: Chelsea | January 30, 2008 at 01:27 AM
Thank you Zoe! I was talking with a Swedish friend the other day and voiced exactly these wishes (well, you always put them better... ) ;) and he laughed and then became really quiet and said "... Hillary AND Obama AND... now THAT would radically shift things... not just the USA but the world!..." May we all hold this vision together in glorious diversified harmony!
Posted by: Mary | January 30, 2008 at 07:51 AM