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May 21, 2009


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Zoe, I feel like a horrible American because I don't watch American Idol or Dancing with the Stars. These two programs get discussed every single day on either the morning news shows or on the View. I just don't have the time (or even the interest). But, it's just like when I lived in New York and I think I was the only person who had never watched Seinfeld, Friends or Sex In the City (my women's studies students gave me a collection of Sex in the City as a gift because they couldn't believe I had never watch once episode!). I've never seen Desperate Housewives or any other reality show. When it comes to TV, I'm pretty much a CNN, Comedy Central, and TRU TV person.


What a great analogy, Zoe. (And I agree with you about Adam, by the way. At least he doesn't have to record that God awful "song" as his first single, though).

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