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November 05, 2009


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Patricia Klauer

Zoe, YOU are the voice of the new civil rights movement. You have passionately and even patiently(!) at times persevered in raising the conscience and the consciousness of ordinary men and women, your neighbors and students...anyone who will listen - to look inside their hearts and recognize the 'other' is here, home, no different than this heart. From the moment you got on the plane to go to Illinois 28 years ago I watched your life shift irrevocably. The power of your articulate voice became infused by the even more eloquent power of your actions - 30 days of fasting to honor those who could not speak for themselves. Your voice has always carried even when you were asked to whisper, the whispers were heard. You have been insatiable in the thirst to recognize and rectify injustice. I will read David's writings but what I know is your voice and the inspiration that has sustained a lifetime. I am so grateful for who you are and I am proud that you are my friend.

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