If there is a day in this half of the century that women can be proud of, today is the day. I want to call everyone I know and tell them, “Today is the Day!” Today women disobeyed the law for my rights. These are brave women. These are women of change. These are the best of my gender. I love them furiously.
We knew in advance about their plans and did not go to the rotunda today. We conferred and all agreed, fasters and chainers alike, that it would be best to not risk being arrested. We knew that if the police made a wide sweep through the Capitol they would not differentiate between the chainers and the fasters. Most likely, they would just arrest all of us. No one wants us to be fasting in jail. The ACLU is poised to move on our behalf to block forced feeding, but it would be better to not be in custody. Even so, I wish I could have seen it.
This morning seventeen women walked directly up to the third floor of the Capitol and chained themselves to the railing around the entrance of the Illinois State Senate.