I am getting kind of excited about the LGBTQ Movement now. Over the next few years, some shit is gonna break loose and humanity is going to advance a bit. We go slowly. Evolution is a slow go.
There is a lot of hoopla with the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and Marriage Equality judged federally legal. Seems that the conservative het world is feeling a bit threatened. So far backlash has been as unconventional as they can create which is, by their own default position, conventional. None of the prophesied immolations or mass exoduses have occurred. There seems to be a few dust-ups about pro-gay Walmart and Diet Coke ads but nothing like what the future portends.
So far all we have asked to do is behave within the conventional guidelines. “Can we be just like you, sir?”
Now we can bear arms against the enemy if we shoehorn into the men’s and women’s uniform and barracks. We can kill whoever Congress or a President tells us to. We can drive tanks, throw grenades, shoot flames, fly bombers and bring democracy to the world. We can die and our graves at Arlington can be marked with a rainbow flag.
Now we can live two by two in track houses with our kids. We can visit one another in the hospital, file taxes jointly, leave pensions and benefits to our spouses. We can order a cake, put same sex toys on top and file for divorce in 4 years like everybody else. Now we can have two husbands in a house or two wives can buy a family membership at the local gym. We are practically normal.
Sweet relief, now that we got the simple easy things done, we can get to the real work. Now we want to demolish all things binary. If you see anything binary ~ it’s got to go. No more Male/Female radio buttons on an online survey, no more longeeeerrr lines at the women’s room at the sports arena, no more embedded constitutional bias excluding half the population.
Now we want to assure full rights for people no matter their Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation or how often it changes. Now we want to work, live, age, thrive no matter what pronoun we choose (yes, choose, not have assigned in the first 2 seconds of the incarnation). We want to have consensual sex without imposed social precedence.
Here’s the REALLY scary part, we are taking hets with us because their simplistic two pronged divisions are on the way out. Now it’s getting interesting. Yes, today we can behave within established social structures. We can color inside the lines. Tomorrow we want to erase the lines.